Karen Kaehler

Technology Strategy Manager
University of Minnesota

As a Technology Strategy Manager in the Office for Technology Commercialization, Karen is responsible for evaluating, protecting and developing marketing strategies for innovative technologies at the intersection of medicine and engineering. Karen has over 20 years experience in senior level marketing positions in the medical device, health information, and biosciences industries. She has a successful history of shepherding complex projects through strategic development to implementation, and has led over two dozen product development and launch teams with such companies as ICAN, Schneider (USA), and American Medical Systems. Before joining the University, she was an independent consultant, providing strategic and tactical marketing consulting to the biomedical industry; her clients included Blizzard Genomics, HeartStent, Disc Dynamics, MGI Pharma, superDimension, Cherry Tree Ventures, and 3M. Karen has been a guest lecturer at St. Thomas University Graduate School of Business, served on the Board of the American Marketing Association Minnesota Chapter, and currently serves as a Session Chair for the Design of Medical Devices Conference. She holds a bachelor's degree in biology, advanced training in comparative physiology, and an MBA from the Carlson School of Management.

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